Saturday, November 20, 2010


Purple Monkeys has been going slow lately, im still working on a 3D backround for my first ADVENTURE COMIC. An ADVENTURE COMIC is when the comic goes on and on in a big story in one single blog post, and every frame has color and background. Also, in ADVENTURE COMICS, all the characters are there and theres usaully a new character thats only for that one ADVENTURE COMIC. Meanwhile, i will entertain you with this Zimple picture.
Nah, thats not good enough. So heres a can of awesome.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Your Wrong

I meant to post this a long time ago. I forgot about it. Also, did you know this really happened at school? Yeah, i wasn't paying attention.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My next comic!

School Again

Heres another thing that happned at school. Im the guy who said devil.